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BFDI Weekly
BFDI Weekly is a web series created by CaptainCoolAG, Based on the series of BFDI by jacknjellify, BFDI Weekly is BFDI but weekly, The show was made using Pic Collage, Back Eraser, and iMovie, with 1 season, and a 2nd Season coming up, called BFDIA weekly
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BFDI Weekly- Ep 6- "Seeing Things That I May Never See Again"
Pages created so far
- A Funky Smelling Island
- Alliance Schmalliance
- An Unexpected Road Trip
- An Unexpected Road Trip...
- An Unexpected Road Trip.../Gallery
- An Unexpected Road Trip.../Transcript
- An Unexpected Road Trip?
- Announcer
- Antarctica
- Apple
- Are You Digging Without A License?!?
- Are You Digging Without A License?!?/Transcript
- Are You Smarter Than a Snowball?
- Assets
- BF$100
- BF$100 2 Deleted Scenes
- BF$100 Gallery
- BFB Weekly
- BFDIAAA 1 Don’t trust her
- BFDIA Weekly
- BFDIW 17
- BFDIW 18
- BFDI Daily
- BFDI Space Weekly camp
- BFDI WEEKLY 3a: Get To The Stop If Yoyle Mountain
- BFDI Weekly
- BFDI Weekly 17
- BFDI Weekly 18
- BFDI Weekly 19
- BFDI Weekly Again
- BFDI Weekly Again 10
- BFDI Weekly Again 4
- BFDI Weekly Again 5
- BFDI Weekly Again 6
- BFDI Weekly Again 7
- BFDI Weekly Again 8
- BFDI Weekly Again 9
- BFDI Weekly Again Prediction
- BFDI Weekly Elimination Table
- BFDI Weekly Episode 5
- BFDI weekly
- BFDI weekly (Reloaded)
- Ballony
- Balloony
- Bamber2805
- Barriers and Pitfalls
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Battle for The 100 Dollar Bill
- Beach Ball
- Beach Ball/Gallery
- Beach ball
- Beach ball/Gallery
- Bfdi weekly 2 ep 1 srtarting time
- Bfdi weekly Wiki
- Bfdi weelky ultament
- Birthday cake
- Block
- Blocky
- Blue Ball
- Boats & Bombs!
- Boats & Bombs!/Gallery
- Boats & Bombs!/Transcript
- Bomb
- Bomby
- Book
- Boxy
- Bozo
- Bracelety
- Bubble
- Bubble/Gallery
- Cakes & Tacos
- Cakes & Tacos/Transcript
- CaptainCoolAG
- Cars Are Fast
- Cent
- Chapter
- Character name
- Charger
- Cheesy
- Christian-Mations
- Cloudy
- Coins & Fires
- Coins And Fires
- Coins And Fires/Transcript
- Coins and Fires
- Coiny
- Coiny is back
- Cranberry
- Dime
- Donut
- Dora
- Dora/Gallery
- Dora/Relationships
- Eiffel Tower
- Emissoras de TV do Ratshil
- Emissoras de TV do Ratshil 2
- Emissoras de TV do Ratshil 3
- Ep 18 the duhcan
- Episode 1
- Episode 17: An Unexpeted Road Trip
- Episode 17 the adventures of woody and ofthers
- Episode 19
- Episode 19 what the battery
- Episode title
- Eraser
- Eraser/Gallery
- Eraser/Relationships
- Evil Leafy
- Fashion For Your Face!/Transcript
- Fate Rests In Your Hands...
- Fires and Coins
- Firey
- Flower
- Football
- Four
- Fries
- Fun and Games
- GB
- Galixy role team
- Gaty
- Gelatin
- Gelatin/Gallery
- Gem
- General Discussion
- Get Atop The Eiffel Tower
- Get To the Top of Yoyle Mountain
- Get Up to Yoyle Needy
- Get to the Top of Yoyle Mountain!
- Get to the Top of Yoyle Mountain!/Transcript
- GolfBall
- Golf Ball
- Golf Ball/Relationships
- Good luck with your homecoming
- HOTS 4
- Half Dollar
- Hater Of The Seas
- He likes chicken nuggets
- Home
- How do I get a new phone?
- IFDB 1a Ice Cubes revenge
- I Am The Very Model Of A Ball-Kicking Individual
- I Am The Very Model Of A Ball-Kicking Individual!
- I Don’t Have Any Money Left To Buy My Car
- I Like My Pie Blueberry
- Ice
- Ice Cream
- Ice Cube
- Ice Cube/Gallery
- Icy Trip
- Inanimate Insanity Weekly
- Inanimate Insanity Weekly II
- Is It Hot?
- It's Athletes Only.
- Just Put On Some Sunscreen, Duh!
- Just Put On Some Sunscreen, Duh?
- Just Put On some Sunscreen, Duh!
- Karthago
- Kinda like the park
- Leaf
- Leafy
- Leafy/Fixed
- Lemons That Make You LOL!
- Less Talking, More Building!
- List of character changes
- List of minor characters
- Lock
- Lofty
- Lollipop
- Lots Of Fighting
- LykeeW dnalsI maerD roF elttaB
- Magic Hat
- Main Page
- Match
- MePhone4
- Missing Machinery
- Move A Member To Another Team
- Needle
- Needle/Gallery
- Needle/Relationships
- Needy
- New on Wikia starter pages
- News and Announcements
- Nickel
- Nickle
- Not As Easy As It Looks...
- Object Invasion Reloaded
- Object Mayhem Weekly
- Object Mayhem Weekly 1
- Oh My Garden
- Oh My Garden/Transcript
- Oh My Gardener!
- Oh My Gardener!/Gallery
- Oh My Gardener!/Transcript
- Panaphobia
- Pen
- Pen/Gallery
- Pen/Relationships
- Pencil
- Penny
- Pin
- Ping Pong Ball
- Placeholder
- Placeholder Page 2
- Please stop
- Plug
- Plug/Gallery
- PomPom
- PomPom’s Rampage
- Potato On Top
- Powderball
- Profily
- Puffball
- Pushpin
- Put On Some Sunscreen, Duh
- Put on some Sunblock
- Quarter
- Questions and Answers
- Quintipillion Coiny
- Rainy Day
- Remote
- Rock
- Rocky
- Ruby
- Rusty Coin
- Season 1
- Season 1 Elimination Table
- Season 2
- Seasons
- Seeing Things I may Never See Again
- Smooth Sailing in the Wake of a Phenomenon
- Smooth Sailing in the Wake of a Phenomenon!
- Smooth Sailing in the Wake of a Phenomenon!/Transcript
- Snowball
- South Africa
- Speed Is Key!
- Spongy
- Squashy Grapes
- Squishy Cherries
- Stories & Rivalries
- TPOT 7 (7 Helps Building)
- TPOT Weekly
- TV
- TV Rio Itapemirim
- Taco
- Take Your Time
- Take the Plunge
- Team 3
- Team 4
- Team Ice Cube
- Teardrop
- TennisBall
- Tennis Ball
- Thank us and we are all
- The Antepenultimate Episode!
- The Coins
- The Elimination That May Surprise You!
- The Ending That’ll Leave You Shocked!
- The Lights Go Out
- The Longest Short Episode
- The Longest Short Episode...
- The Longest Shortest Episode...
- The Original BFDIA Weekly Episode 1
- The Pin Revival
- The Punchline of the Year!
- The Rusty Coin
- The Truth About Firey!
- Time to watch
- Tiny Loser Chamber
- Token
- Top 5 Climbing Fails
- Toy Car
- Tree
- Unaviersy (gallery)
- Unaviursey
- Under Ice
- Vanellope
- Vinheta TV Rio Itapemirim (2004-2005)
- Vinheta TV Rio Itapemirim (2005) V1
- Vinheta TV Rio Itapemirim (2005-2007) V2
- Vinheta TV Rio Itapemirim (2007-2010)
- Vinheta TV Rio Itapemirim (2010-2011)
- Vinheta TV Rio Itapemirim (2011-2015)
- Vinheta TV Rio Itapemirim (2015-atual)
- Voting Icons
- Water Bottle
- Weekly BFDI
- Weird looking plants
- What's Left of BFT100% Episode 2:
- Why Fly When You Can Ski In Snow?
- Why Fly When You Can Ski On Snow?
- Why This Is Daily?
- Wiki
- Woody
- Woody/Gallery
- Would You Like Your Pie Blueberry With That?
- Would You Like Your Pie Blueberry With That?/Transcript
- X
- Yeah, Is It Weekly? I Wanna Know
- Yellow Face
- You Really DO Stress While Playing RPS!
- You Really DO Stress While Playing RPS!/Transcript
- You Really DO Stress while Playing RPS!
- You Really DO Stress while Playing RPS!/Transcript
- Zateran
- 📌
- 🧊
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